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A Rapé made with a medicine from the Kuntanawa. It’s a thin vine called “Veia de Pajé”, Shaman´s Vein.

Very mystical and deep.

This is a very high-quality, strong Rapé for spiritual cleansing, protection, and combination with a very special spiritual energy.

 “Veia de Pajé” is a thin vine of Paje, very strongly connected with the spirit of Jiboia. She is also called Heart of the Boa Constrictor because of her heart-shaped leaves.

Very suitable for spiritual work.

It is a herb used by the tribe for different types of magic in the forest. It keeps negative energies at bay and attracts positive ones, like an energetic attractor. It attracts good things, but it is good to keep our mind firm and focused on what we want to call in and not to attract the wrong things. It aids in protecting against jealousy and spiritual persecution. 

This Rape’ was made with natural Sabia Mapacho, ashes of the Sapota tree and a vine called “heart of the boa constrictor” because of its heart shaped leaves.  The vine is also called “Vein pf the Paje’ ” (Paje’ + medicine man).

The Kuntanawa tribe, indigenous to the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest, holds a unique cultural identity and spiritual heritage. With a population smaller than some neighboring tribes, the Kuntanawa people are recognized for their deep connection to the natural world and their rich traditions. Among their cultural practices is the crafting of sacred medicines and plant-based remedies, reflecting their profound understanding of the forest’s medicinal bounty. Additionally, the Kuntanawa are esteemed for their intricate artisanal skills, producing exquisite handicrafts adorned with traditional motifs and symbols that tell stories of their ancestry and connection to the land. Despite facing challenges such as encroachment on their territories and loss of traditional knowledge, the Kuntanawa persist in preserving their cultural heritage and fostering sustainable livelihoods in harmony with their environment.

3G , 5G , 10G

Mapacho tobacco, sacred ashes of Katzarau tree (Cercidiphyllum)

Directions for use
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These unregistered remedies have not been evaluated by the SAHPRA for their quality, safety or intended use. This remedy is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult your health care practitioner before consuming any of our products.  Consult your doctor if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.

Weight 0.3 kg
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 1.98 cm

3g, 5g, 10g

Rapé Veia de Paje Kuntanawa Veia de Paje – Kuntanawa


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